Publications by Topic -
Fluid Mechanics
expand Title : * The Essential CANDU ‎(1)
expand Title : Canada's Power Reactor Fuel Bundle Design and Development ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.2 - Thermal Study of Nuclear Reactors ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.3 - Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.3a -Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Supplementary ‎(1)
expand Title : Dyke, J.M. - Selected Works  ‎(1)
expand Title : Fluid Mechanics ‎(2)
expand Title : Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Training Course 123, April 1978 ‎(6)
expand Title : Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Training Course 223, January 1977 ‎(8)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics Course ‎(3)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 1-2.5, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(2)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 125, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(19)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 1A25, Nuclear Training Course  ‎(1)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 2-2.5, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(1)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 225, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(10)
expand Title : Heat and Thermodynamics, Course PI 25, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(11)
expand Title : Mécanique des Fluides ‎(1)
expand Title : Mechanical Equipment, Course 23001 ‎(4)
expand Title : Mechanical Equipment, Course PI 30.1, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(26)
expand Title : Nuclear Journal of Canada, 1987 Vol 1 No. 2 ‎(1)
expand Title : Principes de Science et de Fonctionnement des Réacteurs - Chaleur et Thermodynamique ‎(1)
expand Title : Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Course 2.3 ‎(18)
expand Title : Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Supplementary, Course 2.3a ‎(5)
expand Title : Single Phase Friction Factors for MNR Thermalhydraulic Modelling ‎(1)
expand Title : Thermal Study of Nuclear Reactors, Course 2.2 ‎(10)
expand Title : Thermal-Hydraulics in Recirculating Steam Generators: Thirst Code User's Manual ‎(1)
expand Title : Turbine and Auxiliaries, Course PI 34 / TIMS Ref. PI 3004, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(22)
expand Title : Turbine and Auxiliaries, Nuclear Training Course 234 ‎(15)
expand Title : Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 1-3.4, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(1)
expand Title : Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 134, Nuclear Training Centre ‎(9)
expand Title : Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 2-3.4, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(1)
expand Title : Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 3-3.4, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(1)
expand Title : Turbine, Generator and Auxiliaries, Course 4-3.4, Nuclear Electric GS Technical Training Course ‎(1)
expand Title : Two Phase Flow in Rod Bundles, ASSERT-4, Version 1 user's manual ‎(1)