Publications by Audience -
expand Title :  ‎(1)
expand Title : * The Essential CANDU ‎(1)
expand Title : A Method of Limiting Intermediate Volume Fraction in Iterative Two-Fluid Computations ‎(1)
expand Title : Basic Course for Radiation Surveyors and Contamination Monitors of the Radiation and Industrial Safety Branch ‎(1)
expand Title : Canada's Nuclear Achievement: Technical and Economic Perspectives ‎(1)
expand Title : Canada's Power Reactor Fuel Bundle Design and Development ‎(1)
expand Title : CANDU Advanced Plutonium Burner - The Canadian Response to the ALWR ‎(1)
expand Title : CANDU fuel channel 1-D temperature calculation ‎(1)
expand Title : CANDU Fuel Management Course ‎(19)
expand Title : CANDU Primary Heat Transfer System Heat Duty Diagram - analytic solution ‎(1)
expand Title : CANDU Primary Heat Transfer System Heat Duty Diagram - numeric solution ‎(1)
expand Title : CANTEACH Flyer ‎(1)
expand Title : Concept Maps ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 1.1a - Nuclear Theory I (Statics), or Introduction to Nuclear Technology ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 1.3 - Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Kinetics ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 1.7 - Neutronic Analysis of Reactors ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.2 - Thermal Study of Nuclear Reactors ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.3 - Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 2.3a -Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Supplementary ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 3.5 - Nuclear Reactor Containment ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 3.6 - Reactor Mechanical Design ‎(1)
expand Title : Course 3.7 - Nuclear Reactor Safety Design,  ‎(1)
expand Title : Decay Heat Estimates for MNR ‎(1)
expand Title : Design and Safety of Canadian Nuclear Reactors ‎(1)
expand Title : Development and Application of a Three-Dimensional Two-Fluid Numerical Algorithm for Simulation of Phase Redistribution by Bends and Obstructions ‎(1)
expand Title : Do the Universities Prepare the Type of Engineers that our Nuclear Industry Needs ‎(1)
expand Title : Dyke, J.M. - Selected Works  ‎(1)
expand Title : Effects Contributing to Positive Coolant Void Reactivity in CANDU ‎(1)
expand Title : Efficient Integration over Discontinuities in Ordinary Differential Equation Simulation ‎(1)
expand Title : Fast Reactor Kinetics - The QXI Code ‎(1)
expand Title : FORSIM a FORTRAN Oriented Simulation Package for the Automated Solution of Partial and Ordinary partial Differential Equation SYSTEMS ‎(1)
expand Title : Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Kinetics 1.3 ‎(8)
expand Title : Large LOCA Margins in CANDU Reactors - An Overview of the COG Report ‎(1)
expand Title : MACKSIMA-CHEMIST a Program for Mass Action Kinetics Simulation by Automatic Chemical Equation Manipulation and Integration using Stiff techniques ‎(1)
expand Title : Neutronic Analysis of Reactors, Course 1.7 ‎(17)
expand Title : NPD Nucleonics Description ‎(1)
expand Title : Nuclear Journal of Canada, 1987 Vol 1 No. 1 ‎(11)
expand Title : Nuclear Journal of Canada, 1987 Vol 1 No. 2 ‎(12)
expand Title : Nuclear Journal of Canada, 1987 Vol 1 No. 3 ‎(10)
expand Title : Nuclear Journal of Canada, 1987 Vol 1 No. 4 ‎(15)
expand Title : Nuclear Reactor Containment, Course 3.5 ‎(8)
expand Title : Nuclear Reactor Safety Design, Course 3.7 ‎(24)
expand Title : Nuclear Safety & Reliability Course ‎(13)
expand Title : Nuclear Theory I (Statics), or Introduction to Nuclear Technology 1.1a ‎(10)
expand Title : Numerical Solution of the Thermalhydraulic  Conservation Equations from Fundamental Concepts to Multidimensional Analysis ‎(1)
expand Title : Point kinetics simulation ‎(1)
expand Title : Power Reactor Safety Comparison - A Limited Review ‎(1)
expand Title : Preservation and Dissemination of CANDU® Technical Knowledge (The CANTEACH Project) ‎(1)
expand Title : Preserving CANDU Technical Knowledge – The CANTEACH Project ‎(1)
expand Title : Pseudo-characteristic method of lines solution of first-order hyperbolic equation systems ‎(1)
expand Title : Radiation Monitoring Notebook ‎(1)
expand Title : Radiation Protection ("Green Book") ‎(16)
expand Title : Reactor Mechanical Design, Course 3.6 ‎(18)
expand Title : Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Course 2.3 ‎(18)
expand Title : Reactor Thermalhydraulics Analysis, Supplementary, Course 2.3a ‎(5)
expand Title : RFSP Training Course ‎(12)
expand Title : Safety and Licensing Philosophy and Experience at Ontario Hydro Nuclear Generating Stations ‎(1)
expand Title : Simulation Software ‎(1)
expand Title : Single Phase Friction Factors for MNR Thermalhydraulic Modelling ‎(1)
expand Title : Software Quality Assurance: Practical Procedures to Meet CSA Standards ‎(1)
expand Title : The Effect of Bypass Characteristics on Parallel Channel Flow Instabilities ‎(1)
expand Title : The method of lines and the advective equation ‎(1)
expand Title : Thermal Study of Nuclear Reactors, Course 2.2 ‎(10)
expand Title : Thermal-Hydraulics in Recirculating Steam Generators: Thirst Code User's Manual ‎(1)
expand Title : Two Dimensional Modelling of the Homogenizing Effects of Flow Obstructions in Two Fluid Flow ‎(1)
expand Title : Two Phase Flow in Rod Bundles, ASSERT-4, Version 1 user's manual ‎(1)
expand Title : Xenon and iodine kinetics simulation ‎(1)