Introduction to CANDU

Introduction to CANDU

If you are looking for some general information about CANDU, please check out the documents listed below.  In addition you will find some excellent overview information at:

The CANDU System - A Canadian Achievement.pdfThe CANDU System - A Canadian Achievement
A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System.pdfA Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System
Preservation and Dissemination of CANDU Technical Knowledge.pdfPreservation and Dissemination of CANDU Technical Knowledge
CANDU Orgins and Evolution.pdfCANDU Orgins and Evolution
Preserving CANDU Technical Knowledge - The CANTEACH Project.pdfPreserving CANDU Technical Knowledge - The CANTEACH Project
CANDU - How a Reactor Works.pdfCANDU - How a Reactor Works
How and Why is CANDU designed the way it is.pdfHow and Why is CANDU designed the way it is
Why a Chernobyl-type accident cannot happen in CANDU reactors.pdfWhy a Chernobyl-type accident cannot happen in CANDU reactors