We kindly thank the following for their valuable contributions to our website:
- Gordon L. Brooks for his work "CANDU Origins and Evolution" (in cooperation with John S. Foster). After graduation from the University of Alberta in 1952, Gordon L. Brooks joined the AECL Engineering Design Branch at Chalk River. In September 1978 he became the AECL Vice-President Operations, Design and Development Division, and in 1983 Vice-President and Chief Engineer, AECL CANDU, until his retirement in 1991.
- John S. Foster for his work "CANDU Origins and Evolution ". John S. Foster (1921-2001) was AECL's President and CEO between 1974 and 1977. He was a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, past president of the World Energy Council and recipient of the gold medal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario along with many other honours.
- Dan Meneley AECL Engineer Emeritus, retired October 2001, PhD Reactor Physics, University of London 1963, Chief Engineer AECL 1991-98, Fellow CNS and ANS, member INSAG (IAEA) 1985-88, Group Manager (Nuc) Ontario Hydro, 1982-84, Prof. Nuc, Eng., UNB 1984-91, CANTEACH Project Director, 2000-2007 A note of thanks to Dan Meneley, founder of CANTEACH. From the inception of CANTEACH to mid 2007, Dan has been working hard to build this technical library and without him it simply would not have happened. We at CANTEACH would like to express our deep appreciation to Dan and wish him well on his new ventures. Thanks for everything Dan.